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Информация для иностранных авиакомпаний, планирующих выполнять каботажные перевозки/Notice for cabotage flights

21 июня 2018 11:43

Customs notice to perform customs clearance of the aircrafts
transporting spectators to the 2018 FIFA World Cup cities

1. Your company is included on the list of organisations eligible to use the special customs procedure for the period of staging of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (the list).

2. The special customs procedure (SPSE) exempts your company from payment of customs duties and taxes when executing local flights in order to transport spectators to the cities where the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches take place. The exemption is not provided for the flights not connected to the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

3. Please note that inclusion your organisation on the list does not relieve you from customs clearance of the aircraft. In order to declare the aircraft at customs you need to fill in and submit the SPSE customs declaration form attached hereto.

4. You may perform customs clearance by yourself by filling in the boxed 1, 3-5 of the main sheet and columns 1-4 of the supplementary sheet of the SPSE customs declaration form. In the box 1 the company name should be indicated. In the box 5 the name of the person who signs the SPSE customs declaration form should de indicated. The SPSE customs declaration form is submitted to the customs office in 4 original copies.

The power of attorney (the letter of authorisation) from the company issued in the name of the person who signs the SPSE customs declaration form must be submitted to the customs office together with the SPSE customs declaration.

5. Alternatively, you may engage a customs broker of your choice who can perform customs clearance on behalf of your company. In this case the customs brokerage agreement between your company and the customs broker must be signed and submitted to the customs office.

6. We recommend to submit the SPSE customs declaration form:

· Together with the general declaration upon arrival – if the route in the box 5 of the general declaration already contains local cities;

· Together with the application to amend the general declaration and to add local cities in the box 5.

7. After customs clearance is made, the customs office will stamp the SPSE customs declaration forms and return 3 copies to you. This means that your aircraft is released under the special customs procedure.

8. Before you make your last flight to the place of destination outside of Russia, please, ensure that you duly finalise the special customs procedure. In order to do this, you need to fill in the box 9 of the main sheet and the column 5 of the supplementary sheet of the SPSE customs declaration forms given to you when the aircraft was released under the special customs procedure. Customs office will stamp the 3 copies of the SPSE customs declaration and return 2 copies to you. This will mean that you have finalised the special customs procedure.

9. Please, use a separate SPSE customs declaration form for each aircraft.
